Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome to the “Personal Security Sales” blog, keeping you up-to-date on the latest on TASER® products – especially the TASER C2 – and why they are growing in popularity.


Hardly a day goes by that you don’t hear or read about a situation where having a TASER would have really come in handy. In our case, I was out of town on a business trip, and my wife was home alone. It was about 1:00 in the morning, and she had just hung up the telephone after talking to our children on the West Coast. One o’clock in the morning – and the doorbell rang! She couldn’t see anyone outside, and she called the police. The officers came, looked around the neighborhood, but saw no one.

My wife then called me, and I immediately asked, “Did you get the gun out?” We own a Beretta Px4 Storm, but she won’t touch it.

“You know I hate guns,” she said.

“Yeah, but . . .”

“No way,” she said, “I’d probably wind up shooting myself.”

“How about a TASER?” I asked. “Would you use a TASER?”

We had been thinking about getting a TASER C2. As a matter of fact, I had been part of a homeland security conference recently and seen a live TASER demonstration. I had even had the pleasure of meeting TASER International CEO Tom Smith, and he had really impressed me – almost as much as his product.

“Yes!” my wife said, “let’s get the TASER.”

We mentioned this to a few friends, and they expressed strong interest. It was then that we decided we not only wanted to wn a C2, but we wanted to sell them. And that was when Personal Security Sales was born.


The TASER C2 is TASER International’s newest and most exciting product for personal protection. It uses the same technology as the much more expensive law enforcement models, but is even better for individual self-defense. It has the same incredible take-down power as the law enforcement models, and it fits easily in your pocket or purse. It operates with the simple push of a button with no recoil.

The TASER C2 can stop a threat up to 15 feet away. It works by shooting out two probes that travel at a speed of over 160 feet per second. The probes deliver a 50,000-volt electric signal, resulting in an immediate loss of the assailant’s neuromuscular control and his ability to perform coordinated action for the duration of the impulse.

And this is the really neat part, and why we think the C2 is better for the average citizen than the police models: The law enforcement models deliver a 5-second charge (which the officer can repeat, if necessary), but the TASER C2 electric shock can continue for 30 seconds.

This means if you are attacked, you can deploy the device, drop it on the ground while it is still discharging into your assailant, and get to safety. If the C2 isn’t there when you and the police come back, we’ll replace it for free – a lifetime guarantee!

So visit our web page, check out the TASER C2 and comment on our blog if you'd like.